What I'm Reading Right Now
Strunk & White
How did an English major and aspiring novelist manage to dodge this? Seriously, assigned umptold times over the years, and I’ve never read it. Always looked unpleasant, kind of mean. Gosh, it is funny though.
Feelings Are Facts by Yvonne Rainer
You could say she’s my favorite intellectual or one of the few I can read with enthusiasm and attention. Or both. Has the same sort of deadpan directness of her work, only with a lotta avant guarde/art world dish.
Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels
Have only read first five pages. Am prematurely worried she’s gone C.S. Lewis.
Blandings Castle and elsewhere by P.G. Wodehouse
After vociferously defending P.G. I seem to have lost steam. My prediction is this is temporary. His descriptions of cows are the best in my recent memory.
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