Wednesday, January 18, 2006

N-n-n-ovels and suchlike

Yesterday I was thinking how I’d like to see at least three of these four words—“undulate” “ungulate” “unguent” and “ululate”—used in a sentence with (important part) complete naturalness, as an innately necessary part to whatever is being communicated. You might have to write an entire book just to roll out that sentence in a reasonable context. Perhaps a novel set on the Serengeti plains? But I’ve heard apocryphal tales of books getting started around a lone sentence, “Ted tucked the last strands of wispy hair behind his ears and headed for India,” and what ho, 98,000 words later a novel has come into being. However, I’m not sure I want to read the u/u/u/u book, just the sentence, please.

(Yesterday I was also thinking, as I occasionally do when feeling troubled, about a great long line of lobsters marching along the ocean floor in single-file. There is some combination therein of spectacle, industry, cooperation, single-mindedness and secrecy that I find pleasing. This led to an internal discussion of what constitutes a comforting vs. a merely pleasing thought, introspections I may or mayn’t share later. Mmmmm.)

Anyway, speaking of novels, when someone asked the over the weekend if I was writing one, I apparently hollered “YES! Yes I am!” as if accused of a crime I could no longer deny. Poor fellow! It was merely a polite question.

Please note: for the first time in about 15 years I am wearing a necklace today. I’m not sure anyone will recognize me.


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